Almost Camping Season

Hello Friends and Family,

We are getting ready for camping season here in Denver. One of the best parts about living in Colorado is the access to dispersed camping. If you haven’t heard of dispersed camping here is how the BLM defines it: Camping on public lands away from developed recreation facilities is referred to as dispersed camping.

Our dispersed camping site near Canyonlands National Park. - Moab, UT | 4/14/2023

The reason I say its one of the best parts is because it costs ZERO dollars to go camping on public lands when you do dispersed camping. There is no electricity, no water, no showers, no toilets…no nothing.

Getting Ready for Camping Season

Courtney has a couple of non-negotiables when it comes to camping: Shower and Toilet. So, I bought a shower that mounts on the side of our roof rack and we will pick up a portable toilet that can be dumped like an RV toilet.

We transformed our Lexus GX470 into a capable dispersed camping vehicle. - Denver, CO | 3/30/2024

Mills was a big help in getting our rig ready for camping. I had to remove all of the carpeting from the cargo area of the Lexus in order to install a floor system that would allow me to affix our refrigerator and some cabinets.

Mills helping me install some Kilmat sound deadening tiles in the floor of the Lexus. - Denver, CO | 3/23/2024

We also added some safety items to the Lexus. Mainly reserve fuel and water containers from Rotopax. This provides 2 gallons of water and fuel in the event of an emergency.

In the Lexus 2 gallons of fuel will provide 20-30 miles of additional range. Just enough to get us out of most jams. We have a rule that we enter the wilderness with as much fuel as possible in the vehicle’s gas tank. That almost ensures that we will not have any issues.

Rotopax reserve fuel and water containers mounted on the exterior of the Lexus. - Denver, CO | 3/29/2024

Spring has Sprung…Mostly…

Easter has always ushered in spring and Denver is no different. Mills got to go on his first ever Easter Egg hunt with the kids ministry at our church and he had a BLAST!

Mills all bundled up and ready to find some eggs! - Denver, CO | 3/30/2024

Mills not quite sure what to do with that blue egg. - Denver, CO | 3/30/2024

Dad to the rescue! Austin showing Mills what to do with those eggs! - Denver, CO | 3/30/2024

Maybe next year Mills will do more hunting than tasting all the plastic eggs. - Denver, CO | 3/303/2024

Mills found the golden egg! - Denver, CO | 3/30/2024

Later that day we walked down to our local shopping center where we all got to have a picture with the Easter Bunny!

Austin, Courtney, and Mills meeting the Easter Bunny! Willow was not interested. - Denver, CO | 3/30/2024

Easter Dinner with a FULL HOUSE!

On Easter Sunday Courtney’s Aunt, Uncle, Cousin, and Grandmother all came over for Easter dinner. We also hosted our good friends the Weavers, Brad, Katie, their three kids, and their 4 month old puppy.

As you all know my favorite thing in the world is to cook meat for my friends and family. Easter 2024 was no different.

Austin and Mills goofing off while the ham and roast beef were smoking. - Denver, CO | 3/31/2024

This year I did a twice smoked ham and roast beef. Trust me when I tell you there were rave reviews. - Denver, CO | 3/31/2024

The kids got to splash around in the hot tub and both dogs ended up getting soaked at one point or another. There was a lot of laughter, lots of food, and a wonderful welcome to spring in Colorado.

Austin, Courtney, and Mills in the backyard. - Denver, CO | 3/31/2024

The biggest difference between Atlanta and Denver in the spring is that our allergies are much worse here in Denver. The second biggest difference is the weather. It is still pretty cold here at night.

Austin after April skiing. - Nederland, CO | 4/6/2024

Until our next Adventure,

Austin, Courtney, Mills, and Willow

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