Are we Parenting Influencers?

People are starting to ask if we are ready for our son’s arrival. I’ve been telling people that the nursery is only 80% complete. We have a few pieces of art to hang on the wall, the closet needs a shelf and clothes rod, new blinds for a window, and we have a weird opening to the living room that needs to be addressed.

We do have a carseat to get him home, a bed for him to sleep in, a changing table to clean him up, more books than he can read in a lifetime, and two parents and a dog that love him. He doesn’t need much more than that.

Organizing the nursery. - Atlanta, GA 5/14/2023

Over the weekend our good friend Eric came for a visit. I went to a Braves game with Eric while Courtney got a facial for a little Friday self-care.

Austin and Eric at Truist Park - Atlanta, GA 5/19/2023

The next morning Courtney made us an amazing breakfast and then I roped Eric into helping me organize the garage all afternoon. We got the entire garage cleaned and organized. I could not have done it without him.

We installed 4 of these track systems in the garage. - Atlanta, GA 5/20/2023

Are We Parenting Influencers Now?

I posted a sneak peek of the nursery on Instagram and Facebook this weekend.

I couldn’t believe it when Baby Letto commented and asked to feature our nursery design on their website.

I guess this means we are parenting influencers or something?


In all seriousness, we have had a lot of fun designing the nursery and we couldn’t have done it without so many of our friends and family who bought us books, furniture, and artwork.

Willow is a big fan of the new chair.

Willow napping under the chair in the nursery. - Atlanta, GA 5/14/2023

We can’t wait to reveal the rest of the room very soon and some very special artwork that Courtney’s amazing friend Maggie Russell created just for the nursery.

We are less than a month away from the projected due date. We could not be more excited, but we hope he waits until we get these last minute projects completed.

Until our next Adventure,

Austin, Courtney, and Willow