The Waiting Game

Our due date has come and gone, so now we have nothing to do but wait. This is why they call it a “guess date” most of the time. It is certainly something out of our control, but that doesn’t make it any less boring.

If you know anything about me you know that sitting around is not something I can do. So with all of this extra time on our hands I found us some things to do.

Family in Atlanta

First up, one thing found us! My cousin Taylor and his wife, Jenai, were in town for a Braves game and getaway. We got to have dinner with them on Wednesday night. (Thanks for buying dinner, Taylor!) They had never been to our house before, so we got to give them a tour and show off the nursery.

It was such a fun night to learn about parenting from parents we love and trust as well as eat some good food and a little ice cream at the house. Unfortunately no pictures from the night. (My bad.)

The Nursery is DONE

We finally finished the nursery. We have had the bassinet, dresser, and other necessities ready for a while, but took our time on the decor. We can’t wait to reveal the entire thing when he is born.

The diaper bag on a little Dog Tail hook from Ikea. - Atlanta, GA June 2023

The final addition was to hang the diaper bag on the wall. We selected this diaper bag specifically because it:

  1. Doesn’t look like a diaper bag.

  2. Is made by an outdoor company so it will stand up to the activities we do.

  3. Will become his own little book bag when he starts school in a few years.

The brand is Cotopaxi and we love how great their gear is, but most of all we love their Del Día products. The factory takes the left over or unused material from other brands and makes items like this backpack.

I like knowing that my purchase will be both high quality and is using what would otherwise have been wasted material. Each of the Del Día products is one of a kind. There won’t be another back pack like this EVER. How cool?

The Home Office

The nursery at one point was my office.

The nursery used to be an office with a full live stream and podcast production studio. Our good friend, Brian Dawson, stopped in while he was in town and used the studio for a work call. - Atlanta, GA February 2022

But, logistically it wouldn’t work for us to be on the 3rd floor and the nursery to be on the 1st floor. So, we moved the office to the first floor. BUT! That was already our home gym!

The home gym. - Atlanta, GA January 2022

We had to make room for two desks in this room, so the bikes had to go. All of them. I absolutely love riding bikes, but the reality is we simply don’t have enough space in this house for everything.

We kept the peloton and the TV. My tri-bike now lives in Colorado on loan with Courtney’s cousin and her husband. Justen has been crushing his bike splits and I’m happy to see the bike getting some good work.

The mountain bikes were sold and my beloved road bike is being consigned at SecondWind Gear Shop here in Atlanta.

We collected a bunch of things that needed to be framed and created a new gallery wall above our desks. (Yes, we call the Gunner G-1 Kennel, “Willow’s Desk”.)

The beginning of the gallery wall in our home office. - Atlanta, GA June 2023

We will do a full reveal of this new space when I get all of this paper scanned and shredded. We have a few more items to hang on the gallery wall and a couple of other places.

Perfect Father’s Day

I’m writing this on Father’s Day and Courtney is at the pool. All I wanted for Father’s Day was for everyone to do exactly what they wanted. Courtney is at the pool, Willow is taking a nap, and I’m cleaning the office writing this newsletter.

Knocking out a bunch of personal projects this weekend is a great way to spend my first Father’s Day.

Until our next adventure,

Austin, Courtney, and Willow